🔥 Recent News
[2024/06] 🎉🎉🎉1 paper is accepted by TSINGHUA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY.🎉🎉🎉!!!
[2024/06] 1 paper has been submitted to EMNLP 2024.
[2024/02] 🎉🎉🎉Happy Chinese Loong Year🎉🎉🎉!!!
[2023/12] China People's Net AI Algorithm Competition (Runner-up).
[2023/10] 2 papers are accepted by AAAI 2024(Poster).
[2023/09] Academic Scholarship, Outstanding Graduate Students.
RIPGeo: Robust Street-Level IP Geolocation [Link], Oral
Wenxin Tai,
Bin Chen,
Ting Zhong,
Yong Wang,
Kai Chen,
Fan Zhou
Best Student Paper Award
MDM, 2023, CCF-C.
Area: IP Geolocation, Robustness, and Adversarial Training.
We present RipGeo for robust street-level IP geolocation. Furthermore, considering the widespread noise in measurement data, we propose two novel self-supervised perturbational training strategies to enhance the generalization and robustness of the model. Besides, a multi-task learning framework is introduced to solve the homogenized representation problem caused by perturbational training.
TrustGeo: Uncertainty-Aware Dynamic Graph Learning for Trustworthy IP Geolocation [Link], Oral
Wenxin Tai,
Bin Chen,
Fan Zhou
Ting Zhong,
Goce Trajcevski,
Yong Wang,
Kai Chen
KDD, 2023, CCF-A.
Area: IP Geolocation, Generalizability, and Uncertainty Learning.
We present TrustGeo for trustworthy street-level IP geolocation. We incorporate the sources of uncertainty in the learning process of the model to improve prediction accuracy and generalization.
Interpreting Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning (Student Abstract) [Link]
Bin Chen,
Kai Yang,
Wenxin Tai,
Zhangtao Cheng,
Leyuan Liu
Ting Zhong,
Fan Zhou
AAAI, 2024, CCF-A.
Area: TKG reasoning, Graph Attention Network, and Explainability.
We propose an innovative method, LSGAT, which not only exhibits remarkable precision in entity predictions but also enhances interpretability by identifying pivotal historical events influencing event predictions.
Shallow Diffusion for Fast Speech Enhancement (Student Abstract) [Link], Oral
Yue Lei,
Bin Chen,
Wenxin Tai,
Ting Zhong,
Fan Zhou
AAAI, 2024, CCF-A.
Area: Speech Enhancement and Diffusion Models.
We propose SDFEN to address the inefficiency problem while enhancing the quality of generated samples by reducing the iterative steps in the reverse process of diffusion method. Specifically, a shallow diffusion strategy is introduced to initiate the reverse process with an adaptive time step to accelerate inference.
Under Review
[2024/06] 1 paper has been submitted to EMNLP 2024.
[2024/05] 1 paper is under 2nd round of revision in TSINGHUA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY.
Competitions and Awards
2023 Artificial Intelligence Challenge Runner-up (Social Media Fake News Detection Track), hosted by www.people.com.cn. [Link]
2023 Best Student Paper Award of the 24th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM).
Academic Service
Reviewer: SIGIR 2024; WWW 2024; KDD 2024; IEEE TKDE.
IEEE Student Member.
Teaching Experience
2023 Teaching Assistant, with Prof. He, at UESTC.
unique visitors since Feburary 2023
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